Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills

What Leaders Need To Know And Master

These are the leadership needs most often cited by our clients.

  • Getting our people fully motivated and engaged
  • Producing the results required through our people
  • How to communicate effectively
  • Coaching the team members
  • Conflict management

5 Drivers of Leadership Success

1. Self-Direction

What this really means is the leader has to start by leading themselves.

As a leader have you written down specific goals, have you a clear vision of where you want to take the business?

Have you clarified your values, your leadership style and the culture you want in the organization?

2. People Skills

The leader is skilled at dealing with their 360 degree relationships – a type of omni-direction superstar, able to to get cooperation from everyone, including senior executives, peers and direct reports.

Is this how people would describe you?

3. Process Skills

On time, on budget and at the required quality level delivery requires great management skills.

Do you have the tools for this?

4. Communication

Leaders who talk up a storm while the staff listen, have this communication idea around the wrong way.

Skillful leaders are actually superb listeners.

Is this how your team would describe you?

5. Accountability

Leaders who claim all the glory and shift all the blame don’t build loyalty. Modern business is complex and leaders have to work through others but the leader is still the one accountable for the results.
Are you comfortable to rely on your team to produce the results you are responsible for?

From Yesterday's Manager To Tomorrow's Leader.

Today’s business leaders influence employees’ choices and assist them in reaching goals. Rather than direct and dictate, they inspire and motivate! The business world has changed! Instead of pushing people to achieve, successful leaders pull people to succeed, requiring a new skill set to make it to the top. Learn how to stop managing and start leading, to play a vital part in your organization's future. A good manager is not always a good leader. Learn the differences between managing and leading. Move toward a more direct leadership style and away from a management-based style. Stop pushing and start pulling. Register yourself for success. Leadership Training for Managers will transform you from yesterday's manager to tomorrow's leader.

Relevant Courses

Please view all relevant courses from below.
These courses will help you further develop your skills.

Leader's Guide to Innovation

Demonstrating leadership provides a valuable opportunity to influence the attitudes and behaviors of our colleagues. The extent to which we can influence the attitudes and behaviours of others depends on our approach. If we choose a positive approach, we are more likely to bring about positive results.

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