The Performance Coaching Process eBook

The Need for Performance Coaching - eBook on Leadership

The Performance Coaching Process

Performance coaching may seem like a difficult task – many leaders avoid it whenever possible. But the fact is, most people want to grow. Dale Carnegie research shows that when asked to choose between a leader who is satisfied with their competence and one that encourages them and helps them believe in their ability to improve, people prefer a leader who encourages them to improve by a ratio of nearly 3 to 1. Most want to develop expertise and gain new skills and that’s especially true for those just starting out in the workforce. A key aspect of any leader’s role is to coach their employees to higher levels of performance, and in doing so, they help both their organization and their employee reach their goals. Good coaching is a process that requires observation and effective communication, as well as action. It takes a strong commitment on both the part of the leader and the employee – but the results can be amazing. Demonstrating confidence in your employee’s ability to do more and helping them recognize their own potential — maybe for the first time — can change the course of a person’s career, and perhaps even their life. It may not be easy – but it is worth the effort.


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