• Group training attendance policy

Group training attendance policy

For your safe participation in group training

D. C. TRAINING JAPAN K. K. has taken the following measures for organizing group training courses.


■Attending the course

We ask that each person check his/her temperature and disinfect his/her hands thoroughly when coming to the classroom.

Please note that if you have a fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher at the time of taking your temperature, you may be asked to refrain from participating in the training.

We continue to place the highest priority on conducting training in a safe and secure environment.  We expect that everyone will take personal responsibility for making sure the training is conducted in the safest possible manner, respecting the other participants and trainers. While we recommend that participants take the new corona vaccines and influenza vaccines to protect their health and that of the other participants, these vaccinations are not required to participate in the training. Negative proof by PCR testing is also not required.


■Measures taken at the training venue

We will review the maximum capacity of the course and run the course in a format which avoids sanmitsu (enclosed environments), while taking the following infection control measures to ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone.

  • Trainers and on-site staff will wear masks, disinfect their hands, and take their temperature on the day of the course.
  • All trainers and on-site staff have been fully vaccinated.
  • Regular ventilation and disinfection of the training venue.
  • Social distancing maintained throughout the training.


■Regarding whether group training can be held

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, if a state of emergency is declared by the Government and priority measures such as prevention of the spread are applied, the course that was scheduled from "face-to-face in the classroom" to LIVE On Line.

In addition, considering the infection situation, if we judge that it is difficult to hold a face-to-face meeting, we will hold it LIVE On Line. This decision will be made at least two weeks before the start of the course. We will consider returning to face-to-face meetings if the epidemic subsides during the course.


Since 2020, we have been conducting LIVE On Line training which has been very effective and well received because of the way in which we deliver the training. We continue to provide a wide range of training content through both LIVE On Line and Face To Face, so please feel free to contact us.


We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

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