Creating an environment where everyone can shine and play an active role in society
Graduate Profile

Tekko Building Co., Ltd.
Director, Corporate Planning Department
Mr. Yoji Masuoka
Mr. Yoji Masuoka graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Emory University in the United States. He worked in Sales & Trading at an American financial institution for 9 years. In 2015, he joined his family business, Tekko Building, where he was initially involved in the redevelopment of buildings. In addition, he serves on the board of directors of REI (Refugee Empowerment International) and is in charge of fundraising to support refugee camps in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
I took the High Impact Presentation Course in 2019. It all started when I attended a networking event as a member of the British Chamber of Commerce (BCCJ) and was introduced to Dale Carnegie's free preview session and was so impressed with the content that I decided to attend. In my career, I have had many opportunities to present to management and train new employees, but I have sometimes struggled with how to express myself and ended up feeling inadequate. This course was a great opportunity for me to make changes in my presentations.
Immediately following the course, I had the opportunity to present to the entire company’s employees the following week. My current position is in a family business that manages office and commercial real estate, but I had previously worked for a US-based financial institution, so I used that experience to talk about change and innovation, including working styles and incorporating perspectives from different industries. I thought it would be difficult to implement change immediately. Thus, in my presentation, I focused on clearly communicating my ideas to the employees while trying to motivate them to take action, using the expression and communication methods I learned through the course. As a result, after the presentation, I received positive comments from several employees, inquiring me on what they can do next. Our company is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year, so I hope to take this as an opportunity to raise our organization’s enthusiasm, creating an environment where everyone has an opportunity to shine.
In a presentation, it is not only important to follow a process but to motivate the audience to take action, instead of being a passive listener. This requires the ability to communicate a bold vision with passion and persuasion. I believe the methods and techniques I learned in this course will help me continue to do so in the future.
The environment surrounding the real estate industry in Japan has changed, and it is now one of the most remarkable markets in the world. I believe that, regardless of the size of our company, the time has come for each and every one of our employees to think about providing a better environment and contribute to society, with an eye not only on domestic demands, but also open to the world. We at Tekko Building will continue to serve all places where people are active, creating environmental value for them, and contributing to the creating a better society.
What is High Impact Presentation?
This two-day course is designed to help participants develop world-class presentation skills to succeed in business. You will learn how to design a presentation, enhance the credibility of your talk, sell your ideas, use your voice and gestures to strengthen your presence, deliver formal speeches, and respond to questions and interviews.
You will deliver 7 presentations during the two days, which will be recorded and reviewed by a trainer. There will be two professional trainers to provide you with personalized coaching, where you will receive feedback tailored to your individual needs in a safe and secure environment to transform your presentation skills.