I still carry the Golden Book of Human Relationship Principles with me
Graduate Profile

K.K. Surpass
Mr. Kazuki Gonmori
After working as a manual laborer and funeral director, Mr. Gonmori became COO of a venture company and oversaw its transfer to become public. Later, he joined a well-established company in the business succession phase. Currently, at Surpass, a sales outsourcing company, Mr. Gonmori has established and manages a Salesforce Implementation Support Program with a genba (on-site)-based approach, and provides consulting to clients.
・Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant
・Salesforce Certified Administrator.
I was very impressed when I first read Dale Carnegie's book "How To Win Friends and Influence People." When I learned that there was a training program based on this book, I knew I wanted to change myself, and wanted take the course. At the time, I was working for a funeral conducting organization and there was no support for external training, so I put down my savings and applied for the course myself. This was the best decision of my life.
Challenge and Results
During a final presentation to a potential client, the laptop containing the material stopped working. My subordinate went pale, but I began my presentation with a smile and asked questions as if I was having a conversation with the prospective clients’ executives, and got them involved in the presentation. I simply spoke to the executives’ interests without referring to any documents. As a result, the business meeting was well-received, and we got the order. I owe everything to Dale Carnegie Training for giving me the ability to focus on the customer and not be stressed in these situations.
Before I took the course, all I was thinking was, "what kind of script do I need to make a sale?” However, the Dale Carnegie course drilled into me that the most important thing is to be aware of what the other person is thinking, instead of relying on a format or technique. It was eight weeks of numerous challenges. I came to feel that most things were no big deal compared to the challenges I faced back then. And when I came across a bigger challenge than training, I could face it positively by telling myself, "once I overcome this barrier, the other barriers will also disappear.”
It is a bit of a cliché to say "I have changed", but the fact is that I have gained the courage to take on new jobs and opportunities. Some of my fellow graduates who took the course with me have also started their own businesses with other participants. More than five years have passed since I took the course, but I still keep in touch with the others from that program.
Of course, it is not only the connections, but also the lessons I learned that are still being utilized today. I still carry with me the Golden Book, which contains the human relationship principles. I'm sure I'm not alone in this, because when I ask my colleagues from back then, they are doing the same thing. I hope you will have the courage to take on this challenge.
Company Profile
K.K. Surpass
With the mission of "building bridges between women and society and continuing to create the future for all people," the company runs a sales outsourcing business that hires and trains all women with no sales experience who want to change careers as full-time employees and provides them as sales resources for client companies. The company also has a sales DX business that supports the operation of SFA and CRM tools such as Salesforce by utilizing its sales experience at many companies. In addition, it is the first company in Japan to sign a collaboration agreement with Tokushima Tech Women, a co-creation project between local governments and the private sector. The company has received the Forbes JAPAN WOMEN AWARD.
What is the Dale Carnegie Course?
The Dale Carnegie Course is based on the 30 Human Relations Principles developed by Dale Carnegie, known for his bestselling books "How To Win Friends and Influence People" and "How To Stop Worrying And Start Living," based on many years of experience, and is centered on the Five Drivers (Building Confidence, People Skills, Communication Skills, Leadership Skills, Stress Management) necessary to achieve success in life.
If you want to learn how to speak effectively, strengthen your interpersonal skills, manage stress, and cope with a rapidly changing work environment, the Dale Carnegie Course is the answer to all your challenges. The course can be taken either face-to-face in the classroom or online (we call it LIVE On Line).