THE Leadership Japan Series

Episode #516: Getting To Inclusion Through Improved Communication Skills

THE Leadership Japan Series

Given the significant value that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) delivers to businesses today, I genuinely feel that DEI is essential. Establishing goals for female management ratios shows that the "why" of promoting diversity is well understood. But building inclusiveness in the workplace is essential to having a diverse staff. Having effective communication is essential to achieving this objective. Conflicts stemming from miscommunication and misunderstandings frequently prevent teams from working together.Recognising the four dominant communication styles—Dominating, Friendly, Analytical, and Excitable—highlights the variety of ways individuals choose to express themselves. Establishing rapport and effective communication are facilitated by being aware of these styles.

Rather of pushing our own style on others, we should strive to understand and work with their preferences. Getting along with people's communication style right away helps you persuade them. Using essential components including a captivating hook, personalisation, emotional connection, and conflict resolution, storytelling proves to be a potent weapon. The storytelling experience is improved by bringing in well-known characters and conjuring up strong mental images. Giving a personal example, such as making your way through a snowy Tokyo day to get to an important meeting, demonstrates the power of narrative to promote diversity and successfully deliver messages. Gaining proficiency in communication is essential to achieving DEI since it fosters an environment at work where acceptance and understanding are valued.


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