THE Leadership Japan Series

Episode #532: The Leaders Three Big Roles

THE Leadership Japan Series

My responsibilities as a leader go beyond the routine management duties that are anticipated of a manager. Leaders need to create strategic directions and nurture their team members in addition to focusing on operational efficiency, quality standards, and budget adherence. That being said, given that everyone has the same 24 hours available, this dual responsibility presents a challenge. The annual bureaucratic ordeal that is strategic planning frequently results in stress as lofty growth targets are conveyed to a team that is not entirely convinced. Leaders need to be able to communicate effectively, yet many are not trained in this vital skill. Effective communication propels managers into leadership roles by empowering them to encourage motivation and self-discovery among their subordinates.

Instead of attempting to force motivation on their team, leaders must persuade them that their efforts are worthwhile and match organisational strategy with personal objectives. The most essential resource for a leader is time, which must be invested in order to understand the changing demands of team members. Maintaining awareness of the changing needs of a diverse team, from personal life changes to career objectives, requires regular formal and informal interactions. The difficulty comes in juggling leadership duties in the midst of a packed meeting schedule, which leaves little time for the career-development coaching and mentoring that team members require. At different stages of their professional career, the battle with a meeting-centric routine can make one feel like a professional meeting attendee.


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