Episode #204: How To Get On Better With Your Boss In Japan

The Japan Business Mastery Show

Bosses are often oblivious to the idea of diversity. I don’t mean diversity as mainly considered in Japan, which is usually about lack of inclusion of women in the workplace. Diversity here means variations amongst the team in terms of communication preferences.

Here are two decisions to determine the best communication style to deal with your boss.
Picture a horizontal scale of assertion, low on the left and high on the right. Assertion here means to what extent you have a strong opinion on things, state that opinion confidently. Add a vertical scale, where the top has high people orientation and the bottom high task. A “people orientation” signifies care and attention to people around you and how they feel. Task orientation is about outcomes, results, KPIs, getting the job done.

We now have four hints to guide our communication. The top right quadrant combines both assertion and a people orientation. Often salespeople, actors, trainers fall into this group – they like people and they are looking to influence those around them. Don’t focus the conversation on gritty detail, move to discussions about big picture issues.

Their diagonal opposite loves detail, proof, data and statistics to three decimal places. Talk in terms of micro detail with this crowd, often accountants, technical people, scientists, lawyers.

The outcomes focused type in the lower quadrant on the right is assertive and task driven. Often company founders and scary CEOs, with a strong “time is money” mantra. Don’t beat around the bush or waste their time. Be direct, confident, succinct – they won’t mind.

Their opposite quadrant are the non-assertive, people oriented, sensitive types. Taking your time, speaking softly, talking about how people will feel about things, attracts this group.

We can quickly tell who is which style, by carefully listening to what they say and how they say it. The boss may not be difficult after all, just different. Life gets better when we can get on the other person’s wavelength and surf that wave together.


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